...and if I could just stop biting my nails for two seconds, I could do some of these! Here are some of the prettiest ideas I've seen; perfect for wedding, a special occasion, or just everyday...
The variation in size of gold glitter reminds me of the night sky...
I love this glitter faded in from the tips. FYI: Martha Stewart's glitter (available at
any craft store) is very fine and works very well here...
For this pink and black number, I would consider going ivory with dove grey
to keep it sweet and light, but I like that the lace placement changes...
This is such a sweet look... I'll try a blush pink when I can sort these puppies out.
My second favorite idea... tone on tone matte/shiny.
Great idea! Try french tips or lace here too!
My favorite idea from this set of photos! Here is the step by step...
1. paint nails with desired color and let dry.
2. dip fingernail in vodka (possibly after making a tasty cocktail).
3. press strip of newspaper big enough to cover the whole nail onto your
alcohol soaked nail.
4. pull off newpaper slowly.
5. paint top coat to seal.
(This last one comes from passionnailart.com)
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I really like the color in the 3rd picture. It looks like an OPI shade, but do you know what color that is? I'd really like to buy it somewhere, but would like to know what color I'm after before I go.